
The 19th Annual NRLHF Corps of Discovery returns to the Krepps Covered Bridge field near McDonald, PA. Early set-up begins on Monday, May 12 and the event will run through Sunday, May 18, 2025.
Corps of Discovery (CoD)
May 14-18, 2025
Open to the public
Thursday, Friday, Saturday from 10:00am-6:00pm
Krepps Covered Bridge Field
5 Covered Bridge Rd
McDonald, PA 15057
Don Ricetti - 724 622-0599
You're Invited to Attend!
Click on the blue buttons below for
preregistration information
This event is not a typical rendezvous, but more of a learning exploration - much like Lewis and Clark when their expedition left for the great unknown from the banks of the Ohio River in 1804. What experiences can be explored? In the past we offered many seminars such as wing-bone turkey calls, cooking on an open fire with Dutch ovens, bow/arrow demonstrations, tomahawk and knife throwing, black powder shooting, and more. We are always adding different seminars or workshops.
The staff of Corps of Discovery would like to extend an invitation to your group or home school. We are always seeking interested parties to attend. Please let us know if your group would be interested by contacting Don Ricetti – segundo98@earthlink.net or 724 622-0599.
The NRLHF Corps of Discovery staff remains committed to their goal of educating the public and providing a launching point to those who might be interested in becoming a re-enactor. This year we are actively searching for beginners to come and join. There will be an area set for participants with modern tents. There are more seminars being planned for this year. Home school and groups are welcome! If your group is interested in visiting, please contact Don Ricetti.
We will be offering a shooting program as well as hawk and knife and separate woods walk for archery target. We had some casual competition this year; if we get enough attendees, we will start doing more competitions.
The 19th Annual NRLHF Corps of Discovery will be open to the general public Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Visiting hours will be 10:00am-6:00pm. Corps of Discovery is free to the general public and provides visitors a break in all things technological and a chance to leave 2024 behind and experience living history in a pre-1840 camp environment.
We are currently in the beginning stages of seminar planning and also hope to have some other activities including a camp covered dish dinner Saturday evening. Please watch FaceBook for updates on seminars, workshops and work parties. Work parties for the event start in March and will include cutting wood, clearing brush and cutting briars to make the new location even better.
Check us out on Facebook!